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Writer's picture: caitlincaitlin

Hi Friends.

Midwinter always feels like a time of reflections. Whether the water near you is frozen or flowing, there is this prolonged moment of inner stillness. The seed rumbles silently beneath the earth. Everything that we have been is percolating; everything that we will be is quietly forming. What's coming up for you this Feb?

In keeping with this energy, I am VERY excited to announce the first rumblings of a seed I've been working on and dreaming about for years. I'm working with the Upper Jay Art Center in upstate NY to create an ARTIST RESIDENCY PROGRAM in the space. We're just kind of dipping a toe into the venture, but you can check it out below. I have loved "residing" and creating there over the years, and want to relay this opportunity to other makers and shakers I know – if you're residency-inclined, or want to share this info with an artist who might be, please get in touch or pass on the deets ~

Also, in the spirit of the Hallmark Holiday that is upon us, I decided to lean in to love and hung out with an amazing real life art couple last week for some art talk, love talk, and life talk. Plus, they're in a film that is premiering NOW, which you should definitely see. Links to everything below ~

DUAL (& other films) PREMIERE AT THE BOSTON SCI-FI FILM FESTIVAL: This otherworldly and now virtual film festival is happening now through next Monday, Feb 15, so you have the weekend to catch up on what's new in the incredible minds of today's sci-fi indie filmmakers. I'll be watching the shorts, as my talented friends are starring in the film DUAL (pictured above). 10 bucks gets you 7 shorts (or a feature), which is a fun alternative to the usual Netflix and chill. Get tix here.

INTERVIEW WITH ACTORS MARJOLAINE WHITTLESEY & IAN CARLSEN: This married duo has been on my list of top art couples for awhile. I caught up with them recently to discuss the release of the film DUAL (left), in which they both star, as well as creative process, becoming parents during the pandemic, playing an on screen couple, maintaining creative identities during lockdown, and lots more. Big issues of our collective moment bubble to the surface: check it out.


K people, keep your heads up and your masks on ♡ See ya in March! ~ Caitlin ~

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